Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hey hey hey hey :) It was a long holiday i have and im getting bored doing nothing ~__~  So life, be good to me please  ^__^

Im supposed somewhere doing some work but i still at home wasting my time. Lulzzzzz. I think im too lazy lah. I should change for better :) Ahahaha. Entah bila.  Ouh, i should be matured too. Jangan nak budak2 sangat. Tapi matured tu macam mana? 

Blergh. Bosan sial membebel kat sini. Bye =____=

#nampak macammana aku bosan. sampai tengah taip entry tiba2 boleh bosan.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

hari graduasi

Hari untuk jumpa kawan2 dan bergosip sampai muntah. Thanks graduation day! Heuheuheu. By the way,  just love it. And pakai jubah graduasi tu panas dan buat aku nak pitam. That all..

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

macam dalam filem

Haiiiiiiiiiii. Selamat malam. Happy birthday abahhhhhhhh :*

Okey bye. Hahahaha. Gurau. Actually ada story ni. Berlaku siang tadi. Macam tengah berlakon filem scene bencana dok berlaku ~___~ Ada sikit cuak dihati. So the story began like this......

Aku pi tesco, jemput mama aku balik. Aku dengan kakak aku. Kami just pusing2 beli barang sikit then turun. Dah pukul 4.30 pm, supposely mama dah keluar. Tapi mama tak keluar2 jugak. Call tak jawab. So, aku pun pi tengok mama kat tempat kerja. Mama still dok menggoreng mee. Hailah. Aku tunggu mama kat tepi pintu. Sambil sandar sambil termenung. Tiba2 aku rasa pening. Aku tengok keliling everthing dah ke kiri ke kanan. Bergoyang-goyang. Pintu pun bergerak. Kuah dalam periuk berkocak. What the hell was happening? Dalam kedai tu semua dah kelam kabut. Aku pun jadi kelam kabut. Tesco bergoyang macam nak runtuh >__<

Aku dengar orang jerit. Semua kelam kabut lari keluar. Aku dah jerit2 suruh mama keluar dengan aku. Memang kelam kabut. Macam dalam filem. Orang semua lari selamatkan diri ~___~  Fuh, kalau tesco runtuh time tu ^____^  Sampai kat luar, dah ramai duk berkumpul. Aku lari masuk kereta. Mimi cakap kereta bergoyang and dia ingat efek kereta lain lalu. Then bila tengok semua orang lari keluar dia ingat ada rompakan +_______+ Mimi ni!! Lawak betul.

Lepastu abang aku call cakap ada earthquake. Then dah balik baru tahu earthquake dekat Sumatera. And amaran tsunami semua dah keluar. Alhamdulillah amaran tu dah ditarik balik. Hope esok nothing happen. And pray for everyone in Sumatera.

Begtulah story yang berlaku siang tadi. Bye :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

add 1 year more

Hai! Hey! Im 21yr pretty girl ^____^ kihkihkih. By the way, i miss the feeling celebrate birthday with my brutal housemate back in KKAP >_< Really miss them. The happy moment when they surprise me with egg, flour wishing happy birthday to  me. 

Urgh, just forget the past. Semua benda akan ada penghujung Zati! Wake up! You are already 21 years old. Jangan nak jadi budak2 sangat! Asyik2 hidup bersandar dengan kenangan pun tak boleh. Move on. You already found new friends! 

Errrr. Nothing much to say. Just happy 21st birthday to me. Be a beautiful and elegant young lady bebeh :) Kehkehkehkeh. 

Ouh ha, shoooooooo shweet my bucuk2 sing a birthday song to me and his. Hahaha. Really make me melting . Yummy yummy he's like ice creammmm. Sweet and nice :*

Bye alls :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

pyslla project

Muehehe. Eh! Assalammualaikum! So hai the handsome guy and beautiful girl. Is everything okey or anything was messing up your life? Arghh, just forget it. I have moreeeeeeee interesting thing to exciting all of you ~_____0

Let me introduce you my little "Bead" the Heart stall? Huh? Acah acah je. Kihkihkihkih. Abaikan ayat aku sebentar tadi. Actually, aku just very excited dengan project cuti semester aku! Hoyeahh.. Pyssla bead make my day *kelepapkelepap tepuk tangan kuat2 :) First of all, thank to my lecturer's who introduce me to the cute pyssla bead and my friend, Hudalalalala who gave the idea how pyssla bead can give money to me! Fuyooo ayat.

So, dengan tekad i want to be billionaire, pergh tak kalah tekad dan azam tu T_______T heuheuheu. Im the art design kid, so, with my creativity and ideas from internet, and little bit knowledge about bussines, aku pi Toys R Us cari pyssla beads! First, aku buat member card sebab member card dia free and boleh dapat diskaun auw auw i loike. then aku grab a box of pyssla beads with it plate :)

Balik rumah, gigih tau aku separate 5500 pyssla beads ikut color. Ada 19 colour semua. Bayangkan. Dah la benda alah tu kecik2. Haih! Tapi sebab gigih, usaha aku berhasil and now, the little "Bead" the Heart is open to make everyone cute with cutest pyssla bead. Rawrrrr ~___~

And hey!! Look at this picture below, isn' it cute? heuheuheuheu. Handmade keychain and badges. Fuuuuuuu <3

ready to sell!!!! :*

#hey Apiet, get well soon! i have cute pyssla keychain for you baby! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

officially part 1 is over

*bunyik drum

Warewarewarewa. Part 1 is ooooooooveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr. Yay!!!!!! >__________<

Super duper lega aku dah lepas part 1 yang hectic dekat UiTM Merbok. Sekarang bertawakal dan berdoa ja semoga tadak kena repeat paper terutama untuk dua2 subjek VCL dengan subjek CTU. 

I have soooooooo many moment pahit duka manis lawak geram marah there. The moment mix very the sebati dalam fikiran aku. JADI! Aku harap semua benda yang dah jadi sepanjang part 1 buatkan aku jadi lagi kuat untuk tempuh part 2 and so on  :)

I have no idea to write here since my period pain make me uncomfortable to merepek meraban here. By the way, happy April guys! I love April sooooooo much. My birthday, my dad's birthday, my belove birthday, my aunt birthday, my college convocation. Everything happen in April! Yay. Ouh yea, the Avant Garde event for part 6 also happen in April. What the lucky month huh *rolling eyes :)

I have to go now. Wish me wake up in the morning tommorow or i'll be kill by Huda Razif the lion. Ouh nope! The belove roomate and friend. Ahahaha. Bye alls!

#dear my belove Apiet, hope u know how much i love you even im always get angry with you. muah :*